Thursday, June 13, 2013

Easy Health: Lemon and Honey Tea for Your Allergies

I'm still suffering from my allergies. It's nothing big compared to most people but it gets to you. My friend has been drinking lemon and honey teas religiously and she has experienced some wonderful results so I've been doing the same. It's actually helping with my symptoms so I decided to share the little finding with you guys.


Lemons are proven to boost immune systems and are used for multiple health related purposes, including fighting allergies. They are a rich resource of Vitamin C and antioxidants. Drinking lemon water throughout the day can help with detoxifying your body.

Raw Local Honey
Raw honey contains pollen that can fight infections, allergies and boost immunity. Eating local raw honey that is made near your neighborhood will build up your immunity to the pollen allergies caused by the flowers in your area.
If you don't have access to local raw honey, I would recommend Acacia honey. It's light in color and sweetness, making it a perfect choice for those of you who don't have a sweet tooth. It can also be used as a healthy sugar replacement in your cooking without altering the taste or color.

I usually do 2 teaspoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and then mix everything with hot water. One cup in the morning and one in the evening. Sometimes I might drink more just because it tastes good :D
I feel that everything dissolves a little better with hot water but if you don't have time to make some and then chill everything for the summer, room temperature water will also work.

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