Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Introducing Weekly Dose of Delicious Goodness

Hopefully I can manage to post a weekly food piece. My life is pretty fast paced and at the same time, I aim to eat healthy and sumptuous tasting things. This eventually becomes hard to balance at a certain point but I've accumulated some tips over the years.

I moved to the States from Europe a few years ago and one of the biggest challenges for me was getting used to the local food. In terms of produce, the majority of the fruits and vegetables are GMO. Organic doesn't mean much when things have been changed from the core. Everything is bigger, tastes less flavorful and the texture generally got meatier. What I still find disturbing is how long these items last in my fridge without going bad.
I can only get hold of certain 'original' produce when I visit farms and perhaps the occasional farmer's market. There is too much interest for influential people in this whole GMO business that it has become quite difficult to choose to consume what nature originally granted us with.
In terms of processed foods such as snack bars, roasted nuts, ham etc. I try my best to find ones that are low in sodium, artificial ingredients and calories. I've realized that most things in the States contain more of these ingredients and they make me a little bloated. I didn't really notice this until I went home for Christmas where I 'slimed' down without any weight changes.
I love juice and tea. It's not too hard to get hold of good teas here since it's a product that has participated in international trade for thousands of years. In terms of juice, things get a little complicate. Naked juice is a bit too thick for my taste and there are too many ingredients in one mix. I prefer a simple mix with a thinner consistency. One of my favorite juices from Europe is Skipper and so far I've had no luck finding a similar replacement. Please send me a message if you have any suggestions!
The biggest catch would be the serving size. Sooner or later you will find yourself and our stomach getting used to the generous serving portions over here and watch those pounds add up along with your appetite.

Hopefully my food related posts will be able to provide some small solutions to these problems while maintaining a certain degree of convenience for the busy you!

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