Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bliss Fabulous Skin-Reviving Rubberizing Mask Review

It's the middle of the week again, a time that everyone hates. I'm not sure which is worse, Monday or Wednesday. I like to enjoy a little something special on such a day to reward myself and take the edge off. Light some of your favorite scented candles and pamper yourself with a facial mask. It's the perfect way to relax!

I have a routine cleansing mask but since it's hard to get hold of, I've been adventurous and am trying a bunch of new ones. Today I used something a little different. The rubberizing mask pack comes with 6 packets of the mix along with 6 cups and spatulas. It's a little weird that Bliss doesn't package their spatulas. It basically a random medical tongue depressor. I think it's something they can look into to make the set more complete and unified.

Based on the instructions, I poured all the powder from the packet into the mixing cup. I should have been more careful about trusting what was written. There is actually more product than what the cup can comfortably hold. The powder has a nice floral smell that's in between the typical spa smell and the powdery cosmetics smell.

The mixing was a little difficult due to the small cup and the powder has a funny property. It doesn't mix with water that easily so you really need to stir well. It kind of reminds me of making dough.

I think the real difficulty lies in quickly applying the mix onto your face. The formulation starts to solidify rather rapidly so you definitely need to work fast. I left the mask on for 20 minutes and really enjoyed the cooling sensation and relaxing scent. I think these two features really helped me unwind.

The removal was fun since the mask becomes a rubbery peel. You can actually see the impressions my blocked pores left. I should really do a thorough cleanse soon. I didn't see any brightening effects and I'm doubtful of its skin tone evening and texture evening powers. I love things that contain antioxidants and fight free radicals but these are things that are hard for you to tell if they are actually working.

What I like:
  • Very relaxing
  • Nice scent - maybe it's the bilberry
  • Softens & plumps my skin
  • Easy to take off

What I don't like:
  • A little messy
  • Drys too quickly

I don't think I'll be repurchasing this specific mask since it doesn't target my skin problems. However, I will definitely be trying out some of the other ones with pore cleansing properties.

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