Sunday, June 9, 2013

Diorshow Mascara Collection Overview: Some of My Favorite Mascaras!

I'm very particular about mascaras and for some reason only the Dior ones seem to work for my lashes. They make them super lush and gorgeous without making them hard and crispy. This is an overview of the ones I've tried along with some of the other ones in the collection.

My lashes are more or less straight (I have some curve at the roots & at the tips but it's nothing amazing), they are relatively long and thick. My ideal mascara has to be all purpose and long lasting. It should provide supple volume and length, and it also has to curl my lashes without the need for a curler. I'm pretty busy so lasting power is essential. Waterproof versions generally always solve this problem but sometimes I just don't want to waste time removing it. I love a wet formula, it somehow works super well with my lashes. I absolutely hate it when a mascara makes my lashes feel stiff and crunchy, they should be relatively soft and flexible after application.

The Dior range fulfills my needs and there are a few that have become my all time favorites!
Some people have clumping issues with Dior mascaras but they never seem to clump on me so I guess it really does depend on your lashes and how you apply it.


This is the classic version that comes with a jumbo bristle brush. Back then, I thought this was really good but technology has advanced so there are now better formulations in the market, leaving this behind in the dust. It's an all purpose mascara that provides ample volume, lengthens and slightly curls. At the end of a 12 hour long day, it still holds up pretty well with an occasional fallout. The waterproof version solves this problem especially if you have oily lids. This formulation is considered to be one of the driest in the collection but relatively wet on the broad spectrum of things. I love how I can just step into a hot shower and it would come right off.

Diorshow Unlimited

Will not try since it doesn't look very interesting and the formulation must be old by now. I don't think I'll be satisfied with something that only offers length.

Diorshow Blackout

Basically a slightly more modernized version of the original Diorshow with black pigments. My lashes are naturally very dark so I didn't see how this one is darker than the other black mascaras. Perhaps this will show up more on people with lighter lashes. This mascara has great lengthening properties without compromising volume. My only problem is that the removing process is too messy. A lot of black pigments would come out and cause a bit of a hassle.
The waterproof version seems to be a little wetter and holds a curl better than the original version. Both of them have no fall out when worn throughout the day. I really love this mascara but the black pigments kind of ruined it for me.

Diorshow Iconic

This is has been my favorite mascara for years. It has in interesting rotating plastic brush that works really well with my lashes. I'm very particular about the way I apply mascara and this brush can easily get to my bottom lashes and the root of my top ones.
I love the effect this one leaves, it's a beautiful everyday glamorous look. I also find this particular one to create the best curls without using a curler. This might be one of the longest lasting non waterproof formulas in the collection. I get absolutely no fallouts and it even does well on rainy and snowy days.
The waterproof version is more or less the same but a bit harder to remove. An oil based cleanser will take care of it very easily.

Diorshow Extase

The formulation is rather wet and it has lovely volumnizing effects. I find this one to be a little weak in terms of lengthening abilities and definitely curling effects compared to the Iconic. This one is also lasts for the whole day without any problems. It's a wonderful mascara except I want the curling ability.

Diorshow 360

Probably won't try this one either. I'm quite put off by these rotating options. They make no significant difference and just hike up the price.

Diorshow New Look

I was originally going to get this but then heard about the release of Iconic Overcurl. I might consider to try this one some time soon.

Diorshow Iconic Overcurl

I have very high expectations for this since I love the Iconic so much. I have already purchased this and will post a detailed comparison review soon.

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