Saturday, May 25, 2013

Easy Health: Drinking Yogurt

Recently, I've been enjoying a bottle of drinking yogurt in the morning and another one in the afternoon. It's a great alternative to milk and the traditional yogurt, especially if you are always on the go.

Drinking yogurt and similar products are relatively new in the States but these have been around for thousands of years in Western Asia. I love yogurts because of their deliciously creamy yet refreshing taste and the amazing goodness that they contain. Yogurts are rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins that are essential for maintaing your health. Their nutritional benefits are far beyond what milk can provide.

Of course you can make this at home with a blend and some fruits but I love how I can just grab a bottle from the fridge and head out the door without compromising some healthy breakfast. Some companies market these as yogurt smoothies but those tend to be a little thicker in consistency. Personally, I prefer the runnier ones. If you love yogurt and still haven't tried these yet, grab a bottle the next time you do grocery shopping and give it a go!

Currently loving berry flavors!

Love that they have so much variety

Classic probiotic choice

Sometimes all you want is the original flavor

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